Drugs And Behavior
13 Pages 3236 Words
Yet once again alcohol and drug use is the ever present constant. The day of the week and group of people may change, yet the constant always remains the same.
The directions for the second week of the log were a drastic change from the first week. This week was based on observations made without personally participating in drug and alcohol use. At the beginning of this project I was weary of the second week. As horrible as it sounds, I was convinced there was no way I could go out as I normally would and abstain from using drugs and alcohol. At the same time I did not believe that I was addicted to any particular drug or alcohol and I was aware that you can have fun without being intoxicated. My views were a complete contradiction and very confusing. I decided to use the second week as a type of personal test to see where I truly stood on the issue. Would I really need to get wasted in order to go out and have fun? Would that mean that when it comes down to it, the friendships I have are just based around intoxication? I had a lot of ques...