Argument For Animals
7 Pages 1709 Words
Argument for Animals
Human rights vs animal rights, cruelty, abuse, scientific advances and vivisection are all
words related to the use of animals for scientific research. Each year, 17 to 22 million animals
are used in scientific or medical experiments to test new drugs and study disease to insure the
safety of products for human use. As early as 500 B.C., animals have been victims of testing and
experimentation known as vivisection, to further human medical research. Vivisection, a word
that originally meant cutting or performing surgery on a live animal, is a practice that uses live
animals for tests in order to protect the public from dangerous chemicals. Sir George Duckett of
the Society for the Abolition of Vivisection, 1875, has said about the use of vivisection,
"Vivisection is monstrous. Medical science has little to learn and nothing can be gained by
repetition of experiments on living animals" (Day 35). This quote shows that even back in the
late 1800's, cruelty to animals during research was a concern.
Scientists believe that millions of humans would suffer or die without animal
experimentation. Doctors maintain that they could not introduce new medicines and vaccines to
test safety without animal testing. Even though tremendous breakthroughs have been made in
science due to animal research, it is still a highly debated, moral issue among animal activists.
concern over the welfare of animals utilized in laboratory practice has led to laws and regulations
governing the use of animals to ensure humane treatment. According to organizations such as
PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), animals possess the right not to be treated
inhumanely or tortured to benefit mankind. Animal experimentation should be used to advance
science only when the animal is not phsically harmed of made to suffer needlessly.
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