Email In The Workplace
12 Pages 2883 Words
is a little like living during the Red Scare of the '50s, when slogans like "Don't tell your neighbor anything you wouldn't tell “Stalin" were popular. Except that in your office, the paranoia is justified.” (The Walls Have Eyes) When you worry that you can't have a private conversation with your spouse or send an important Email message to a friend without someone knowing about it and possibly reprimanding you, it affects your attitude and feelings about the company.
Employees feel Email or Internet use is a common form of communication in today’s society. If they want to spend their lunch hour on the Internet, the company shouldn’t be able to tell them they can’t do that. If they want to send a private Email to someone, the company shouldn’t be able to read it. Employees believe that today’s workplace has changed. Employers are requiring employees to put in far more time then they ever had before, and they work past normal workday hours and can’t leave to take care of personnel business each day so they have to do it...