30 Pages 7457 Words
arknet can be modeled as a directed graph with labeled edges. The graph has one vertex for each user/host. For any pair of vertices (u,v), there is a directed edge from u to v if objects can be copied from u to v. The edge labels can be used to model relevant information about the physical network and may include information such as bandwidth, delay, availability, etc. The vertices are characterized by their object library, object requests made to other vertices, and object requests satisfied.
To operate effectively, the darknet has a small number of technological and infrastructure requirements, which are similar to those of legal content distribution networks. These infrastructure requirements are:
1. facilities for injecting new objects into the darknet (input)
2. a distribution network that carries copies of objects to users (transmission)
3. ubiquitous rendering devices, which allow users to consume objects (output)
4. a search mechanism to enable users to find objects (database)
5. storage that allows the darknet to retain objects ...