4 Pages 928 Words
Erythropoietin, otherwise known as EPO, is a performance-enhancing drug that has been taken by elite endurance athletes for only a few years. EPO is a natural component of the body’s red blood cells that works as a catalyst for red blood cell production. Until recently, EPO was only a natural substance. Scientists and doctors have synthesized EPO and turned it into a consumable substance. It was originally designed to treat cancer, HIV, AIDS and other diseases affected by red blood cells. But endurance athletes saw the drug as a way to improve performance. By taking EPO the human body’s red blood cell production is accelerated to monstrous proportions. The result is an athlete that has more red blood cells and a greater oxygen carrying capacity at no expense. This effect gives endurance athletes an edge on the competition. It actually, in a sense, gives the athlete the same effect as high altitude training, only without the high altitude.
Athletes take EPO for another reason. Athletic retailers, such as Nike and Reebok, pay a high price to obtain the representation of an elite athlete. This kind of financial backing is a dream for athletes across the globe. However, these athletes must produce top-level results in order to obtain this financial support. Therefore, any way that these athletes can find an easy way to get top-notch results is actually a way of insuring their future. Adams State distance runner Daniel Caufield recently received a sponsorship from Reebok and an elite training grant for $7,000. Upon receiving the grant Caufield remarked, “The grant was great. I don’t have to live hand to mouth anymore.” Daniel Caufield’s experience is a perfect example of corporate sponsorship. EPO helps elite athletes produce great results, thus helping them get sponsorships.
EPO is used widely because of the “psychological necessity” that winning creates for an athlete. Fed by previous success and aft...