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Atheltics & Youth

3 Pages 631 Words

There are many things that effect teenager’s lives. I believe that athletics are one of the biggest factors. Athletics can effect who you do or don’t hang out with at school. They can help you get in to a college that normally wouldn’t accept you. Whether or not you are an athlete can even effect how you are treated by your teachers. It has even gotten to the point that you don’t even have to be an athlete to be effected by athletics.
One way that athletics can affect a teenager’s life is by who they do or do not hang out with at school. If you are an athlete, you are more than likely to hang out with your teammates or other athletes. Non athletes tend to stick together because they are seen as “not cool”, or “losers”. The problem is that the segregation of athletes and non athletes can cause unneeded tension between the two groups, thus dividing the school and causing bigger problems. Now, I understand that not all athletes only hang out with athletes, and not all non athletes hang with non athletes but for the most part, this is how things go. That is just one way that teenager’s lives are affected by athletics.
The next way that teenager’s lives are affected by athletics is college. Most all teenagers have aspirations to go to college after high school, but for some students it is easier than the rest. Being an athlete gives a child an advantage over those who are not, because if you can help a schools football team win a few more games, that means more money for the college, and that is what they are really after. Also being an athlete looks good on transcripts, so if you have two students with the same Grade Point Average but one is an athlete, then he must be a better-rounded person so they will most likely choose him.
Another way that teenagers can be affected by athletics is by not being an athlete. If a child’s parents were both athletes, they would naturally expect their child to f...

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