2 Pages 415 Words
Cricket is one of the most popular games in the world. It is the second most popular game in the world after soccer. Many people are now becoming interested in this increasingly popular game. It is harder than it seems to pursue a career in this game. To be a good cricket player it is important to have three main characteristics: Dedication, Hard work, and Patient. These characteristics make the difference between a good player and a bad player.
First of all what you require to be a good cricket player is dedication. The person should be dedicated to the game and should always try to learn. This feeling inside to learn makes all the difference. By believing that it is possible to learn, learning can be done. Being interested in it, helps working hard to achieve the goal. With time, the interest towards the game increases, which gives the confidence.
Hard work is one of the most important factors to be a good player. To be good in anything, it is very necessary to work hard. People can get respect from others if they are hard working. Some people might think that there is a possibility of having instant fame but in this field it is not possible. Moreover as instantly you get fame, just as instantly you can lose it. Hard work is the key to success. A hard working person can achieve success anywhere in the world. Sometimes it is required to maintain a balance between college, family and game. This really requires hard work so that no one gets neglected.
The third and the final factor required to be a good player is being patient. There will be times when the going gets tough but the tough gets going. It requires patience to earn a respectable position. Patience can help to achieve and make a good cricket player. Losing patience will waste all the hard work and efforts. So be patient and try to enjoy the game and have fun.
We can clearly see now that a good player requires having dedication, hard working and patient to wait for the eff...