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can cause heart attacks or liver cancer, not to mention all the newly acquired acne that often develops (NIDA 4). Some people can use steroids and have no side effects (Street 2). The primary use of steroids in health care is to reduce inflammation and other disease symptoms. Steroid inhalers can reduce death from asthma; steroid injections can be used to treat joints and ligaments. Creams can be used to treat inflammatory skin conditions. In such cases steroids can lead to depression and suicide. Former National League MVP Ken Caminiti died of a heart attack at the age of 41. Caminiti, who admitted that he, did in fact use steroids during his MVP winning season. It is believe that Caminiti¡¦s steroid problem led to his death. Is there a reward for using steroids? No, there is only a risk and that risk involves one life.
Controversy arose after the 2004 season when Greg Anderson, the personal trainer and long time friend of San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds, supplied Bonds with an untraceable steroid. Bonds has claimed that he was taking the cream for arthritic joints. Anderson was a member of BALCO, a laboratory in San Francisco¡¦s bay area that was being investigated for steroids. This investigation caught the eye of Major League Baseball and since then it has strengthen baseball¡¦s policy on steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. For those who use steroids, they know the dangerous side effects, but they continue to use these dangerous drugs.
During the summer of 1998, Major League Baseball was aware of steroids in the game, but they did nothing to outlaw the drug. That summer saw St. Louis Cardinals first basemen Mark McGwire and Chicago Cubs outfield Sammy Sosa engaged in a race to break Major League Baseball¡¦s single season record of 61 home runs set by Roger Marris during the 1961 season. A reporter covering McGwire¡¦s pursuit noticed a bottle of Androestine in his locker. When asked about the drug...

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