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Whale Watching

5 Pages 1138 Words

Whale watching was developed in 1953, but was a commercial activity it began in 1955 in North America. Today, whale watching is carried on in the water of some 40 countries, plus Antarctica. All the large whale species and many dolphins and porpoises can be seen regularly on a wide range of tours, lasting from an hour to two weeks. The economic benefits occur in areas where whale watching has quickly become a significant aspect of a local tourism economy. If prospective tour operators examine areas where whale watching industries have matured and learn from their experiences, whale watching world-wide can continue to grow with maximum benefits accruing to local communities, companies, scientist, conservation societies, whale watchers and, ultimately, the whales themselves. For the first time central European people have a possibility to visit the North Calotte are in Scandinavia for whale watching. By watching the whales you can prolong the life of cetaceans as a species. This may be the last chance before they say good bye for this planet.
In New Brunswick the CAA and Canadian Coast Guard approved in 1969 the Whale Watching Code of Ethics. And below is the Code of Ethics and what’s purpose is.
The purpose of this code is to foster an environment of co-operation and trust among water-based tour operators for the protection and safety of the whales and other marine wildlife, and the safety and understanding of their passengers.
We agree to abide by this code for the protection and preservation of whales within our waters.
Definitions: A vessel will be defined as either a motorized vessel or a kayak group. A kayak group is defined as no more than 10 kayaks paddling in a co-ordinated group.
We agree that the first vessel to locate a whale or group of whales will have first viewing priority. The vessel is under no obligation to announce the location of the whales to other operators. We agree that no more than two vessels ...

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