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Athletes As Role Models

6 Pages 1421 Words

In today’s world, sport stars and other athletes are looked up to by all ages. Everyone loves them. They appear on television; they perform like rock stars, and do this with the entire world watching. No wonder we make heroes out of our favorites. They are seen, as heroes because they can do things that most of us can’t. They hit fastballs at 95 mph, leap at balls in mid air, or defy gravity and throw down a dunk. Their words are repeated and broadcasted throughout the world and their faces have appeared on the front of cereal boxes, but why does this make them heroes.
Athletes have many positive and negative sides that affect their public face and both benefit and harm their abilities to become role models. These figures are visible to us on a weekly basis. Because of their talent, salary, and positions as leaders, it’s inevitable that we admire and identify them with such integrity. Courage and determination aren’t the only lessons we can learn from successful athletes. Some of the best athletes in history are the ones who can take their achievements in stride. You have to love a sport in order to do it well. Hard-working and motivated people understand that winning isn’t everything. Leading a team in homeruns or 3-pointers is meaningless when compared to one just giving his/hers best shot at it.
Athletes have made many contributions to society over the years. Former Los Angeles Rams linebacker George Andrews is one example. Andrews stood outside the principle’s office at Douglas Macarthur Fundamental Intermediate School in Santa Ana, watching about three hundred sixth graders file into the auditorium for his anti-drug speech. “I think if you can give kids a positive role model, it helps.” Andrews said (Delaney 23). All professional teams in the L.A. area have Adopt a School programs, in which athletes meet with students and stress getting an education and staying off drugs.
Tim Wakefield of the Boston Red Sox is ...

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