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Should Athlete Have Different Requirements For Admissions?

9 Pages 2365 Words

People fail to realize when you got to school you are a student first and an athlete second. Some tend to lose focus and forget what’s more important. You would rather have an athlete get your school some press, than have a student graduate. That’s what the school is basically saying by lowering the admissions requirements for athletes. Not to mention, how it lowers the standards of your school by accepting a 2.0 athlete over a 4.0 student with a lot of academic honors such as National Honor Society and many more. Athletes should not have different requirements for admissions for a certain number of reasons.
On the other hand, there are many people who believe that athletes are not the same as your average college student. “When examining this ethical issue, one thing to be recognized college students is not the same as you average college students.” (Athletes Should) Athletes are the same as any college student-athlete; they just don’t like to apply themselves in the classroom like they do on the field.
“The arena of college athletics is a business and the athlete are the ones who sell the products and, in this case, the schools. A strong athletic program adds to the prestige to the university and a bond to the surrounding community. Similarly college athletics bring a lot of money if not through attendance, than advertisement and merchandise. As the average student does neither of these things, that’s why athletes should have different requirements for admissions.” (Athletes Should) That’s just saying that the schools revolves around athletes and have seemed to lose focus on what’s important, and that’s academics and graduation.
At the University of California at Irvine, Chancellor Ralph Cicerone says, “I view sports as giving the university a higher national profile while providing the students with more bleak campus social scene.”(Athletes Should) This is not always the case though, what if...

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