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Sports Management

2 Pages 506 Words

Have you ever been at a sporting event and wondered what the heck was that coach thinking on a play call? I have seen time and time again unusual play calls at certain points in the game especially near the end. For example, a basketball game I saw a year ago, where a team was up by one point with ten seconds left and stole the inbounds pass from half court took it to the hoop and dunked it in about five seconds leaving five seconds left on the clock for the other team to score. When the player that stole the ball should have just ran out the clock and not shot the ball. Instead he left enough time for the other team to score with a three pointer and tie the game, which happened, and later on that team ended up winning in overtime.
Growing up I have always been involved in sports. I have played many sports as a child and youth. I have always liked to compete and really just have fun. I have lived with a brother that tries to tell you which teams are better in different sports. In the past years my dad, brother, and I have watched many sporting events on television and been to a few. This has impacted me to pursue sports management in college. I have recently thought about what it would be like to be a high school coach and even eventually moving up to the college level or professionals. I have thought about all the decisions I could make and how I could prepare a team for a big game.
I have looked at the two aspects of sports management the teacher/coach direction or the business. They have both prompted interest in me. The business route is more into sports marketing and business management. While the coaching route is more of getting a teachers degree and physical eduacation to become a coach.
Coaching to some can be tuff but to me it’s more of how fun it can be. To take a bunch of athletes from nowhere and form them into be good persons and as well as good athletes. As Sparky Anderson once said "Just giv...

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