Sports Effect On Community
3 Pages 683 Words
How Sports Effect the Community
Sports have a great effect on the communities surrounding the teams’ home city. From intramural sports to professional sports, sports bring unity and a sense of pride to the people of the community. Sports also bring in needed revenue to the community through ticket sales, endorsements, and other events, which benefit many different charities and people.
Sports bring unity and a sense of pride to the people of the community. Everyone likes to play sports. As a kid many of us grew up playing sports for teams or in the backyard or at the park. We all now the thrill of competition and the fun of playing. So we sign up for city leagues to play competitively. While we play, we dream of playing in the major leagues and try to better our skills. While many of us never make it, we still go to see the professional sports players at our home stadium. The sports team playing brings out many people to the games. It is a bonding experience for families to go and see the game and will usually tighten the relations in the family. Sports also effect friendships. People can bring friends to sporting events where they’re guaranteed a good time. One could even bring a date to a sporting event if they wanted to.
Other than at the stadium, sports brings unity and pride to people at restaurants, bars, and at their home. At many restaurants, there are televisions everywhere broadcasting sporting events. When at the restaurant one can’t but notice how much everyone eating and working cheer and really get into the game. The sports game or event can bring people to talk to people next to them about what’s occurring in the game. At bars, all that the people watch are sporting events. The bars will advertise that they will have certain sporting events broadcast that night to bring in people. When everyone gets drunk, they all get into the game and cheer with one another. At home, sports get pe...