Student Athletes Need Help
2 Pages 562 Words
Student Athletes Need Help!
Have you ever realized that most of the time student athletes never graduate? It is sad to see young student athletes settling for much less education than they deserve. There is so much pressure on athletes that it compromises their potential and academic careers. Student athletes need help in order to graduate. Were does the help come from and how should an athlete achieve this?
The student athletes have special attendance policies, because they miss a lot of classes. Also, they are allowed to take make-up tests and other alternative assignments. Furthermore, tutoring is provided for them to catch up what they missed. The athletes are spending many hours on a road trips as well as practicing. This may cause them to drain their physical and mental energies, which they need for studying. Teachers and the students both need to make sure that they are doing the work assigned. Beside that the teachers should let the student know when the work is not acceptable. Teachers need to inform the student where the improvement is needed, and how to improve to accomplish the best results. The student to teacher relationship is one in which they need to stay on the same page in order to accomplish one’s graduation aspirations.
How can counselors contribute to the athlete’s careers? Counselors need to give advice about putting together a program that will lead athletes to a degree. Moreover, athletes need to understand what it is going to take to earn a degree. Sometimes, we don’t even realized how important is to get proper advice from the counselor and plan a coherent program in order to achieve success in college. I suggest that the counselors and athlete should spend extra time together in order to choose the right courses that will help to obtain their degree.
My next audience is the coaches. Their general job is to have good athletes on a team. Coaches also manage the practice and give those ...