4 Pages 1101 Words
People inject it, they swallow it, and some people even smuggle it. Steroids is what I am talking about. Do they really damage your body? People are deceived about the true disadvantages and the minor advantages that anabolic steroids have.
For most people who take these drugs they face many visible changes in their body that they may overlook. For example, many people form larger pores through their skin making the texture feel rough. Others, especially in teens face the major problem of acne. The most common areas for steroid users to have this problem is on their face and back. The acne may become so extreme that black scars may be left on their body for the rest of their life. A usual problem that most bodybuilders have while taking steroids is letting the skin stretch in order to fit their bulging muscles. Some resort to the use of lotion on a regular basis in order to stretch their skin.
Baldness can also occur in steroid users. When injected or swallowed in the body the steroid converts into DHT where hair loss then shows quickly. Once you’ve taken steroids and your starting to go bald it is to late. 99 percent of the time when you loose your hair through steroids it is gone for good.
Feminization is one that only occurs in males. It is caused when males have excessive amounts of testosterone in their system when on roids. Men then have an increase in fatty deposits and softer muscles. They then take on other female characteristics like the formation of breasts and a lowered sperm count.
It may shock some people but men aren’t the only ones who abuse anabolic or androgenic steroids. Females also use the drug, many for bodybuilding competitions. Females then may have a side effect called Masculinization. That is when females and in some cases even males have an increase in facial and body hair. The hair on their head starts to thin and their voice deepens dramatically. All of this and a growth in aggression are side ef...