Baseball: Americas Pastime
3 Pages 754 Words
Baseball: America’s Pastime
There are many people who see baseball as one of the four main sports (i.e. baseball, basketball, football and hockey) but actually it is America’s Pastime. Baseball has been played for over 100 years and has gone through many stages and changes. Baseball has been played through the roughest times of our nation’s history. Baseball has the most historical background of any sport. Baseball also has some of the most prestigious records in sports. Baseball has also been a huge influence on my life as well.
Baseball has been played for over 100 years and has seen many changes. Some of the changes were as simple as the style of gloves the players use to teams changing names, uniforms, and cities. The newest team to change city and name will be next year the Montreal Expos are moving to Washington D.C. and I do not know if they have made a decision of the name yet. Some of baseballs most historical teams have changed cities like the Brooklyn Dodgers moved to Los Angels and the New York Giants moved to San Francisco. Other changes include the way stadiums are modeled. Stadiums now are more advanced than ever before. Seattle’s Safeco Field has a retractable dome on it in case there is rain they can close the dome and still play, but some of the most historical ballparks are still around like Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, and the great Wrigley Field. Also in 1961 increased the number of games played in the regular season from 154 to 162.
Baseball has been played through some of the roughest times of our nation’s history. Baseball continued to be played during our country’s greatest economical struggle, The Great Depression. And just a few years later when our country needed our boys to fight in World War II the women played a huge part in our country’s success: working in factories, being nurses on the battlefield and they even had a league for a couple of years.
Baseball has ...