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Gender Differences In Sports

5 Pages 1175 Words

Gender Differences in Sports

In the last twenty years women have made valuable and remarkable strides in the world of sports. Since the educational amendment acts of 1972 (Title IX), which mandates that schools must provide equal opportunities in sports for women, the number of talented athletic women participating in sports has doubled. According to Helene A. Shugart, author of “She Shoots, She Scores,” women continue to be trivialized in media coverage of team sports and consequently are being deprived the opportunity to gain power, respect, and the sense of belonging that they deserve in the world of sports (150).
The problem for female athletes is that they are marginalized, while male athletes are idolized. The rhetoric used by the media to talk about male athletes usually includes hyperbole, adulation and overemphasis on even the most minute aspect of their lives while female athletes are generally overlooked.


In the world of professional and collegiate sports men dominate today. It seems almost impossible that female athletes can bridge the gap between male and female athletics. Even with heightened media attention for women’s sports, females still do not come close to generating the same funds (money) that male athletes and male dominated sports do.

The artifacts that I have found include articles, pictures from major sports magazines, and newspapers. My first artifact is the cover of the April 12, 2004 issue of Sports Illustrated (SI), on the cover is University of Connecticut men’s basketball player Emeka Okafor with the headline reading “Dominant”. Another artifact that I found was in the march 15, 2004 issue of SI, it is a picture and little article about Gail Devers, but the picture does not show her face it only shows her finger nails. Another artifact is an article from The Journal News, the title of the article is No Women on the sidelines. All of these artifac...

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