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Motorsports Safety

3 Pages 833 Words

Over the last fifteen years, NASCAR has made great progress in how it protects its drivers, crew, safety personnel, and spectators at races. In fact, fifty-two new safety regulations have been added to NASCAR’s rule book in the past ten years alone. However, with the deaths of four drivers in four years and with numerous pit-crew-member injuries, it is becoming apparent that NASCAR’s safety rules and regulations still have room for improvement. Motorsports technology is rapidly evolving, and in conjunction, so is safety technology. NASCAR needs to change its own rules now to accommodate more safety technology and not wait for the next race-day tragedy to bring the issue back to light.
One possible way to increase the safety of all is to either change or relax the strict specifications placed on the cars themselves, to enable teams to outfit them with additional safety features. NASCAR regulates all manufacturers’ racecars to be within a predetermined and almost uniform setup. Therefore, very meticulous pre- and post-race inspections are performed by officials. Various engine and suspension components are allowed a small amount of leeway, but every other part of the car is the same. The contours of the front, rear, and roof of the cars, the ride height of the cars, the weight of the cars, and the tires used are just a few of the NASCAR-regulated parts of a racecar. While this helps even the competition between drivers and manufacturers, it does hinder the possibility of teams opting to install more safety features for their driver. Car specifications should be slightly altered to still allow fair and entertaining competition as well as increase the level of safety.
Weight is always a predominant issue with race teams. A heavier car means a slower car on the track. Though NASCAR has mandated more safety features recently, still some safety features remain optional for race teams. If a particular safety feature will affect the we...

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Essays related to Motorsports Safety
