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Wresting: Hard Work Pays Off

5 Pages 1153 Words

Fame, the one thing some people would give almost anything for. Being famous, walking around and having everyone know who you are, what you do, and that you are superior at it. It is what most people in this country lust for so bad. Most people would give anything to be in the limelight for a day, all I had to do was work for it
My senior year at Harriton High school, In Lower Merion Pennsylvania was probably up to this point the best year of my life. Everyone knew me, “Yooo Vanore” people would scream across the campus as they se me walking from class to class, I would just respond with a wave, or a yell back. My High School wasn’t just about the popular kids and the geeks and punks, we were more-so a really big group of friends and sure we had little clicks but we all got along as a whole. It was a small high school, as for extra curricular activities we had a full art and music program, a full sports program and a science Olympiad team. Many people participated in these activities and had fun doing it, but when it came to school spirit there were only a select few teams that got all of the attention, we had a state qualifying basketball team, a district qualified football team, a science Olympiad team that was number one in the nation and a regional qualified wrestling team. The team in which on my senior year I had the privilege to lead.
I played football for my school for four years, baseball for two and lacrosse for one, I loved every minute I spent playing those sports, but all of them combine could not compare to the adore I had for wrestling. I started in third grade as a 95 Lb. bandit, and as the years progressed my skill became greater and greater, until I proved myself worthy to my team mates junior year in which they voted me to lead the team the following year as their captain. I had reached one of my all time goals for wrestling, now time for the other.
In our school district of lower merion we have two high sc...

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