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Title IX

4 Pages 890 Words

Title IX

Title IX is part of the Education Amendments passed in 1972 by the U.S. government. Title IX states that “No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid.” It refers to all aspects of schooling but the most controversy has occurred in athletics. It makes schools provide equal opportunities for girls and guys sports teams.
Title IX is enforced by the Office of Civil Rights (civil rights). There are twelve offices in the country with their headquarters in Washington D.C. (civil rights). These offices enforce Title IX in 16,000 local school districts and 3,200 colleges and universities (civil rights). Their main goal is to see that female athletes have all the same benefits as men athletes. If a school is found not to be in compliance with Title IX then there aid will be revoked. This is still yet to happen today. There have been lawsuits against colleges but they have either been solved in other manners or the lawsuit was thrown out. The Office of Civil Rights receives around 25 complaints a year. Some complaints take days to resolve and others can take years. There have been around three hundred schools that have accepted agreements in the history of the law.
When Title IX was first put into place it was rejected by most people (Hay). They didn’t think that women should have an equal opportunity in sports (Hay). They mostly thought this because in order for them to fund the girl’s teams equally that would mean they would have to cut some the guys’ teams (Hay). So most decided to just ignore the new law rather than change (Hay). As time went on, the law became accepted as more and more women started participating in sports. Still most women believe that a lot more can be done in the future to reach full equality (Hay).
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