The Hardships Of A Cheerleader
1 Pages 314 Words
Cheerleading is much more difficult and strenuous than most can imagine. During the tedious season, drowning in a vast ocean doesn’t seem far from reality. Alone and isolated, the current and waves pull you under the icy cold water, breaking your spirit. As turbulent waters race on faster, blood and tempers storm. Arguments, like undercurrents, can only draw you down, farther from the shore. Competition is a hot spot where rigid, sharp rocks and ragging waters cause heartache and pain. The fear of dying builds up from agonistic coaches that destroy your confidence. Squad members pressure you so much they force you to hide who you really are. Waves break you down and crush you will to fight. Unconsciously, I begin to suffocate under the pressures of the waves and the forceful current. Just when you feel your muscles can’t endure any more and your lungs begin to fill with water, something from within pulls you through. Your ability to continue rushes from the love of the sport and willingness to survive. Dignity pushes you on, and adrenaline boosts the strength needed to reach the shore. Knowing that it will all be over soon, images of a warm blanket, savory food to fill your stomach, and comforting friends enter your mind. Death may be only moments away, and yet life has still not even begun! Floating above the water and inhaling a deep refreshing breath, you realize something. Cheerleading can crush you, while at the same time preparing you for the hardships of life. Escaping death by nearly drowning in an ocean can’t be so bad. It teaches you to appreciate what you have, even if it hurts. Lost in an empty, endless ocean won‘t kill long as you are strong enough to live and learn!...