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The Effect Of Exercise On Carbohydrate Metabolism

8 Pages 1897 Words

exercise has on carbohydrate metabolism can be studied in several different facets; the effect that the intensity of the exercise has, the effect that the duration of the exercise has and the effect that exercise has on the way that the body regulates glucose and glycogen utilization. It is also interesting to note the short and long term effects that consistent exercise, or training, has on carbohydrate metabolism.
Exercise intensity can be expressed in both absolute and relative terms. Relative exercise intensity is generally expressed as a percentage of an individual’s VO2max, their maximum oxygen uptake. VO2max varies over a wide range among individuals, depending on level of aerobic training, genetic makeup, age, health status and sex. The absolute work rate determines the rate at which fuel is utilized by the muscles during exercise, and therefore, plays an extremely important role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. However, though the absolute work rate determines the total quantity of fuel required by the muscles during exercise, the relative exercise intensity is a major factor in determining the proportions of carbohydrate and fat that are metabolised for energy. There is a decline in the relative contribution of fat oxidation and a compensatory rise increase in carbohydrate metabolism. In addition to this decrease in fat oxidation with increasing exercise intensity, there is a decrease in the absolute amount of fat that is oxidized at higher relative work rates. Both glucose and glycogen utilization increase as exercise intensity is raised, with plasma glucose providing 10 to 15% of total energy at all work rates and muscle glycogen providing 60% or more of the energy required for very ...

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