Stuck In An Object
2 Pages 397 Words
Kayaking risk:
People Equipment Environment
COMMON FACTORS Failing of not attempting to avoid an object in the river.
Playing around upstream from a dangerous object.
Falling out of kayak.
Not knowing what to do when you are in the water (swimming)
River kayaking skills not sufficient to cope with the river.
Inability to roll.
Broken paddle preventing someone from avoiding an object and tipping them out.
Leaky kayak causing someone to tip out.
Leaky or badly fitting spray deck causing someone to tip out. A strainer in the river
Rocks obtruding in the river.
Dangerous section of the river.
Previous flood or storm causing trees to have fallen into the river.
Unpredictable current.
RESPONCE Make sure all people are capable enough to safely paddle the river.
Don’t fool around up stream of a dangerous object.
Avoid all dangerous objects.
Make sure all people can roll.
Make sure all people know what to do when they are floating down the river out of their kayak; feet first, head up on back.
Check all equipment before trip to ensure it is working and safe.
Make sure all equipment fits together and the kayaker before the trip.
Always take a spare paddle. Always avoid any dangerous objects in the river.
Don’t kayak a section if it is too dangerous to safely kayak.
Don’t kayak the river at all if conditions are unsuitable or it is unsafe at all.
RESPONCE If you find yourself floating downstream towards an object you cant avoid then if it is a rock brace for impact and lean into the rock. If you then get stuck try to work free or go with the current and roll, if unsuccessful then wait for help before exiting the kayak in emergency. If you are heading towards a strainer then ditch your kayak and try to swim away from it. If you still find your self about to hit it then grab the first / biggest branch and try to push your self over so you don’t go und...