2 Pages 498 Words
Michael Jordan, the ultimate sportsman. If one didn't look up to him as an amazing basketball playing, they might look up to him as a superb individual with excellent sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is important for athletes because it sets the tone of a sporting event. Team mate to Michael Jordan is Dennis Rodman. Rodman is known for his "bad-ass", "hard-core" attitude. It just so happens, I feel that Dennis Rodman is one of the worst sportsman in sports history. Compare and contrast, Jordan and Rodman are two totally different sportsman who set admirable tones for their audience.
Michael Jordan, being the ideal athlete is most prominant in sportsmanship. What makes him such a great sportsman? Maybe it is the way he always helps opponents up. It might possibly be the fact that that he can get along with every guy in the National Basketball Association.Whatever it is, Jordan does it and he does it well. During a game, count the number of instances in which one player patts his opponent on the back side. Such non-verbal communication leaves an official, a sports fan, or any individual watching, with the sense of togetherness. Instead of pure war and competition, for once, they see the friendship and concideration of sports.
Dennis Rodman, also a great athlete of this day and age. One difference between him and Jordan is their level of sportsmanship. In my opinion, Rodman is the worst sportsman in the game of basketball. Fighting with an official is not a way to set one's self on the officials good side. Technical fouls and getting thrown out of games is Dennis Rodman's personal image. For some reason his bad boy behavior intrigues most viewers and sports fans. People with poor sportsmanship argue, yell, fight, boo and degrade the opponent. Cheating is also a common behavior of poor sportsmanship. In this manner, no one likes a cheater. Not even Dennis Rodman.
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