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2 Pages 498 Words

Consolidation and Specialization 1950-Present
The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

• The mission of the Alliance is the following: Promote and support creative and healthy lifestyles through high-quality programs in health, physical education, recreation, dance and sport. Also it is to provide members with a professional development opportunities that increase knowledge, improve skills and encourage sound and professional practices
• There are six purposes for the Alliance:
1. Develop and disseminate professional guidelines, standards, and ethics.
2. Enhance professional practices by providing opportunities for professional growth and development.
3. Advance the body of knowledge in the fields of study and in the professional practice of the fields by initiating facilitating, and disseminating research.
4. Facilitate and nurture communication and activities with other associations and other related professional groups.
5. To serve as their own spokesperson.
6. Promote public understanding and improve government relations in their fields of study.
7. Establish and fulfill other purposes that are consistent with the purpose of the alliance.
• There are seven Alliance Associations:
1. American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness
2. American Association for Leisure and Recreation
3. American Association for Health Education
4. National Dance Association
5. National Association for Girls and Women in Sport
6. National Association for Sports and Physical Education
7. Research Consortation
• The Alliance Districts are located in six different parts of the United States: Central, Eastern, Midwest, Northwest, Southern, Southwest.
• In 1972 AAHPERD published its monograph labeled the Tones of Theory, in this monograph physical education was defined as the discipline of human movement, and the emerging subdiscipline were equal stature under the new, academically ...

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