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How To Coach

1 Pages 254 Words

Successful coaching starts with fundamentals. To coach successfully all a coach needs to do is to follow the basics. A coach should go into it aggressive to get their attention so they don’t see right through the coach as he explains how important the sport is. A coach needs to demonstrate to the team how to perfect a skill at the sport they are playing. A coach should always remember he or she is responsible for everything. The coach needs to prepare the team for long and tiring games. A coach should prepare them for pressure from the sport and the fans of the sport.
Many people believe that the only qualification needed to coach is to have played the sport. It is helpful to have played, but there is so much more to successful coaching. The first time a coach steps out on the field in front of the team, it doesn’t make any difference to them if the coach has played the sport or not. Even if that person ha not played the game before they can still learn to coach successfully by following the basic fundamentals.
Getting the players attention requires speaking loudly, and not being afraid to yell. Being loud is a part of coaching. A coach should show them that they6 should be interested in what is being taught. The team will see right through what they should be listening to id they are not paying attention. So the coach should raise the decibel level and yell a little bit....

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