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Football, American, played on a rectangular field by two opposing teams with an inflated leather ball that is roughly oval in shape, The object of the game is to score points by carrying the ball across the opponent’s goal line or by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goal posts. Football is a full-contact sport which means that this game involves bodily contact by the way of checking, blocking, grabbing, and tackling. Since the rough physical nature of the game, playing football can cause injuries.

American foot is a different type of football that developed in the United States in the 19th century. It developed from soccer and rugby football. American football differs slightly in rules and field size from a style of football played mostly in Canada, called Canadian football.

Football is one of the most popular American sports, attracting thousands of participants and millions of spectators annually. The premier event of this sport is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL), which is called the Super Bowl and held each January, this game is attended by more than 60,000 fans and watched by more than 130 million television viewers in the United States.

Football can be played on a variety of surfaces, including grass, dirt, and artificial turf. An NFL regulation playing field measures 120 yd long and 53 yd 1 ft wide. At both ends of the 100 yd main body of the playing field, white lines called goal lines mark off the entrances to the end zones, which are 10 yd deep. Each team defends one end zone. To score, a team must carry, pass, or kick the ball into the opponent’s end zone.

Football is played by two opposing teams, 11 players. Each team tries to move the ball down the field to score in the end zone defended by its opposite team. During a football game the teams are either the offensive team ( which is the team that has the ball ) or the defensive team ( which is the team defen...

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