1 Pages 176 Words
The purpose of this research paper is to study the feasibility of Canada hosting the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2007 and the impact it would have on Canadian soccer. Research will be conducted on whether or not the CSA should go ahead with their bid and if so, what avenue should they choose. Three recommendations will be put forth for review by the CSA to better determine how and when they should bid. Comparisons will be made to how other countries and sports won and lost their bids to hos
The CSA would be investing time and money into achieving one of the largest sporting events in the world. This study will provide an in depth look at all of the angles that need to be considered for the bid to be successful and have a positive impact on Canadian Soccer. Careful consideration must be taken to ensure that when Canada bids for the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2007 or beyond, the outcome will help and not hinder the CSA....