Does Music Have An Effect On People
1 Pages 286 Words
Music-a way of expressing a thought or thoughts about something or someone in a certain melody. Music is something that can be enjoyable, relaxing, heart throbbing, and ext. So in a way music can “set” your mood. Well, if you can let music “set” your mood then what kind of music can affect your attitude towards people; animals; everything. So when a person is listing to classical music he/she may be likely to be kind or gentle, but also vice-versa when a person listing to rap music can maybe be a “punk” or a bully. Well, is it right to blame your actions on the person(s) who recorded the music? No! It’s not! If you have the right as a citizen of the United States to listen to what you choose to listen to, then why are you blaming the person who wrote the lyrics that there feeling influenced you to do what you did. Yes, I do believe that it has an influence on how you fell or how it might make you act, but it doesn’t give you an “out” or an excuse to do whatever you fell like doing! If you listen to a song and it talks about killing someone and you go and kill someone than yes its okay that you killed someone because they guy in the song talked about it and it made you mad and so you decided to go act on it. NO! You chose to listen to it, you chose to let it affect you, and you chose to go out and kill that person. Its all back to pre-school stuff. If someone talks about jumping off a cliff are you going to go do it?...