Drugs And Crime
16 Pages 4087 Words
ime had not provided them with the means to buy large amounts of drugs. Some people will both be involved in crime and also use illicit drugs without there being any causal connection whatsoever between the two. There are four sorts of relevant study:
· Those examining illicit drug use and offending in the overall population.
· Those examining drug use in the offending population.
· Those examining offending amongst the 'problem drug using' population.
· Those examining patterns of drug use and crime amongst criminally involved problem drug users.
This review gathers together the research evidence under these four headings. For each group of studies we first set out (in italics) what can be safely deduced from the research. We then summarize the key research findings that support these conclusions. At the end of the review we draw together the threads, and discuss possible implications of the available evidence.
Illicit drug use is widespread in the young adult population. There are around four million regular illicit drug us...