Why The Concept Of Heroes Survives The Centuries
7 Pages 1839 Words
ed him with courage . . .” (Sandars 13). However, these are not the only characteristics that make Gilgamesh or Superman heroes.
Where do heroes come from and exactly what makes a hero? At a recent family reunion, I asked three young nieces and nephews the question: “What do you think a hero is?” Their answers were as follows:
I think heroes should have good qualities. A hero should be responsible, have courage, and be reliable. Also, they should be honest, careful, helpful, thankful, and should have strong beliefs. A hero has these strong qualities. My dad is my hero because he has these and a low temper. He is always trustworthy and considerate. He is always kind and I am proud to know him. Mark D., Grade 3
This is what makes a perfect hero. A hero should never give up. A hero should have a good attitude. A hero should have good behavior. A hero should have good manners. A hero should be a good sport. A hero should love everybody. A hero should try to succeed in everything and try their hardest not to fail. Bridget T., Grade 4
When you watch shows such as Batman, you get the impression that heroes are paranormal beings with super powers. Heroes are much different than that. Heroes are mentally ...