Growing Up Gay
10 Pages 2600 Words
ociate feelings as being homosexual or heterosexual; these categories have no significance to pre-teens (Troiden 52).
Gay youngsters and their parents encounter the presumption of heterosexuality. The heterosexual assumption starts during the sensitization stage; however, the effects can be long-term. The presumption of heterosexuals is the belief that being heterosexual is superior, “heterosexual ethnocentricity” Everyone is heterosexual; to be “different” is to be inferior (Herdt 5). American society has strictly defined male and female roles. Conformity is highly valued. Going against conformity especially gender abnormality is viewed with derision and usually awarded with disgrace and contempt (Isay 30).
What is important is the masculine/feminine dichotomy underlines heterosexual/homosexual dichotomy. Parents force gender conformity in elementary children and even pre-school children when children display nonconformist gender roles. Many parents fear that if their son is exposed to homosexuality or even the negative beliefs of ...