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The Prostitution Industry

16 Pages 4072 Words

shments specifically dedicated to prostitution and are usually confined to red-light districts in big cities. The clients usually go to these brothels to get sexual services.
Escort or out-call prostitution often shelters under the umbrella of escort agencies, who supply attractive escorts for social occasions. In this form of prostitution the customer calls/contacts an agency and the act takes place at the client’s residence or hotel room.


There are many views on how countries can handle prostitution. Abolition is a view that prostitution is immoral and prostitutes and their clients should be prosecuted. This view calls for the complete removal of all prostitution activity within a community, and making all associated activities illegal in the eyes of the law.

Regulation, on the other hand, allows prostitution to be considered a legitimate business or at least an unavoidable evil; thus prostitution and empowerment of prostitutes are legal, but regulated in terms of health, location of practice, etc.

Legalization sees prostitution as a victimless crime and should be made completely legal so that it is no longer an underground activity, allowing the normal checks and balances of society and existing laws to apply.

Decriminalization acknowledges that prostitution is inevitable, but exploitative; thus measures should be put in place to protect prostitutes i.e. laws should target violent pimps and traffickers but not the prostitutes.


Utilitarianism seeks the greatest good for the greatest number of people. They believe that they should make decisions that result in the greatest total utility, that is, achieve the greatest benefit for all those affected by a decision. Utilitarian decision making relies on a systematic comparison of the costs and benefits to all affected parties. (Ferrel et al: 2005, p.98)

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