6 Pages 1603 Words
The extermination of illegal drugs has always been one of the most important, worldwide issues. Ending the existence of drug abuse in our society is one of the toughest and most complicated goals we face. Despite constant battles against them, illegal substances continue to exist and thrive in our culture. With all the effort put into the war against drugs, why is there little success? Lack of effort is not the reason our attempts are failing. It is the lack of understanding that leads to the misdirection and failure of our attempts. Obviously a strong desire to use drugs exists, and it is the prevention of this desire that we need to focus on in order to wipe out drug abuse. In fact, our focus is strongly on punishing drug users, yet applying laws against committed drug crimes has not proven to be an effective solution. Drugs are still produced and distributed everywhere, and are taken by many. The reasons people use drugs still exist. Arresting people for drugs does not kill their desire to use them. Reprimanding committed crimes does not eliminate the reason they were committed. Addressing drug offenses after they have been made is not an effective deterrent because the desire for the drug's effect still remains. Why is this desire more influential than the law? Partly because the potential benefits of drugs overwhelm us, and turn our focus away from the potential dangers and consequences. People will go to extreme lengths to be the best, or better than what they presently are. Culture's attitudes toward beauty, money, power as a representation for success drives us to turn to drugs. Drugs symbolize power, status, freedom, and the ultimate “high” in our world. Drugs can help people achieve higher status, more power, as well as the overwhelming physical and emotional “escape.” Ultimately, the desire for the drug high is worth the risk -- which we conceive to be very small -- of being caught. In reality, the risk of getting c...