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Corpral Punishment

8 Pages 1918 Words

uth and southwest (particularly Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Kentucky), while the lowest is in the northeast, where a number of states have outlawed corporal punishment. According to recent studies physical punishment is more common in grades kindergarten throughout 8 compared to the punishment in high school. The punishments also seem to be in rural schools more than urban schools, and inflicted more on boys than girls.
Shaming, humiliating and beating a child are, at the very least, counterproductive. It sug
gests that might makes right and actually encourages a could child to do the same. When one brutalizes children, one lowers their self-esteem, teaching them poor self-control, leading them into unsatisfying relationships with others, and in some cases, causing them to be brutalizing adults.
Physical discipline is a commonly practiced form of discipline used by parents when they get frustrated by problem behavior. Whether it is the belief that "every kid needs a good spanking now and then, as some parents say, or having the child kneel on rice when they're bad, as a southern teacher does. Corporal punishment is understood by most people who deal with children as either the way to successful "control" or as a last-resort measure. However, the major issue that parents and teachers should consider in relation to discipline is how the essential processes used can contribute to character development in children. All too often the problem of discipline seems to...

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