Outline Of Theology
11 Pages 2811 Words
1.Our theological study must apply to life (“…teach us today?”).
a.Grudem: Nowhere in Scripture do we find doctrine studied for its own sake or in isolation
from life. The biblical writers consistently apply their teaching to life.
b.Illustration: Colossians 1:28; 2:15; 3:1ff
c.We always need to ask: “SO WHAT does this mean to life today!?”
2.Our theological study will be as good as we make it.
a.Attention to detail
b.Attention to accuracy
i.What a passage really says (avoiding interpreting fallacies)
ii.How we word things
c.Attention to all relevant passages on the topic at hand
d.Resolve to examine ALL of our beliefs
i.Abandon all of our beliefs that are directly contrary to Scripture
1.This is tough and takes time – it means that we might end up differing from
SOME of what we were brought up in!!
a.Jeff’s Story.: Questions from H.S.
b.College years…
c.My relatives and pa...