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Is Homosexuality Sin?

10 Pages 2602 Words

Is Homosexuality Sin?

Thesis Statement: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is

detestable”(Leviticus 7:22). This is the quote that most often justifies Christian

homophobia. I will show that everyone, if this is what they believe, is welcome into the

kingdom of God no matter what their sexual preferences are.


The Gay and Lesbian community should be welcomed into the house of God instead of

being turned away for being openly homosexual. This subject is the cause of some

controversy between the church and the Gay and Lesbian community. The Church seems

to think that being homosexual is a choice the individual makes in order to directly defy

Gods wishes. “The Christian homosexual position when carefully examined can be

exposed for what it is at its very core: an attack upon the integrity, sufficiency, and

authority of scripture, which for the Christian church is an attack upon the very nature of

our Holy God!” (P3 Scroggs).

Others think that it is just a phase that everyone goes through, and once you fulfill your

homosexual desires you can truly be heterosexual again. Some people have evidence that

the words in the Bible were translated wrong from Hebrew to Greek and then to English.

They believe that this should be made known and made right. The Christian Church is

ruled by patriarchy, it was men who wrote the bible and interpret the words of God. This

goes to show how men have been telling us what to think, say and feel since the

beginning of time. They convey their own prejudices into the bible and tell Christians that

this is what they should believe or it is a sin against God.

These are some of the main points that will be the foundation of this essay. Patriarchy is

the foundation of the Christian Church. The Church was founded by men, ran by men,

and ruled by male ideologies. Until recently men were the onl...

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