Sexual Dysfunction
9 Pages 2129 Words
subsequent failure his condition is called secondary sexual dysfunction (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). Masters and Johnson also classified a man as secondarily dysfunctional if he has erection problems 25% or more of the time in sexual encounters.
Among men seeking sex therapy, erectile dysfunction is the most common problem and secondary cases are more common than primary ones. It has been estimated that half of the general male population has experienced occasional episodes of erectile dysfunction, and this is certainly well within the range of normal sexual response. Erectile difficulties affect men of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly. Some physicians have suggested that erectile dysfunction is on the increase (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). They further claim that female liberation and the increased demand for male performance are the primary causes of the increase, while other physicians and psychologists believe that numerous factors are involved. Fear of failure during intercourse represents the most common cause of Erectile Dysfunction in the United States (Masters and Johnson 1988). Ninety percent of all cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by psychological factors, including past inhibitory experiences and negative reinforcement leading to “fear of coital failure”. Recent evidence indicates that continued heavy use of marijuana or alcohol may also cause erectile dysfunction. About 10% of the cases of ED are caused by biological diseases and malfunctions. 50% of diabetic (mellitus) men have ED, apparently due to the effects diabetes has on that part of the nervous system which controls both the urinary bladder and genital functions ((
). Other biological causes include a low testosterone level, disturbances in the circulatory and nervous systems, and abnormalities of genit...