Early, Midle And Late Childhood Development
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Early, Middle and Late Childhood
Early, Middle, and Late Childhood development are three stages in childhood development. During each of these three stages children are experiencing physical and cognitive changes.
Early Childhood Physical Development:
The brain during early childhood is one of the most important development stages. Through Myelination the nerve cells are covered and insolated with a layer of fat cells, which increases the speed that information travels through the nervous system. Myelination is responsible for the hand-eye coordination and the focusing of attention.
Running, playing and drawing are also a major part of early child hood in that it helps build the child’s motor development. Such activities such as running, hopping, jumping and climbing on the lower monkey bars help to build gross motor skill. While the “outdoor” games can increase the gross motor skills, “indoor” activities such as drawing, cutting and building blocks will help to build the child’s fine motor skills.
Another important factor in physical development in early child hood is nutrition. What children eat or don’t eat enough of is critical to their development. Good eating habit in a child is a learned behavior and is mainly in the hands of the parents and child care providers. Proper nutrition helps to insure the maximum growth of the skeleton, body shape and for health. Poor nutrition is linked to illness and even obesity. Obesity is mainly caused by rewarding a child with food and even feeling that you need to prove your love with food. According to me, the most dangerous habit a parent or guardian can do is reward a child’s good behavior with treats. A child’s Basal metabolism rate (BMR) is also important, in which it is the minimum amount of energy used in a resting state.
Early Childhood Cognitive Development:
Piaget has two preoperational stage theories: symbolic function substage and intuitive thought substage. ...