7 Pages 1826 Words
Previous research on the mental rotation has shown that it requires cognitive resources
to mentally rotate images, words and symbols to name a few. This Mental Rotation test
basically can measure how fast and accurate a person can react when presented an image
that is either mirrored or not, these two conditions of the independent variable and its
angle of rotation determine the accuracy and brief time response. The supported
hypothesis states that if an individual is given an image to rotate mentally (imaginal) it
will take longer to respond if that image is not mirrored, a mean average of 2.840
milliseconds with its rotation angle varied compared to the non mirrored condition with
3.220 milliseconds. The results found during this experiment were consistent with the
previously stated hypothesis. Other findigs suggest that males have an advantage over
females with mental rotation tests, in other words there is a gender difference. Some of
these findings will also be adressed. The average time required for an adult to mentally
rotate an image in their head is roughly one second to every 50 degrees of rotation when
it is a mirrored image.
Pedro Longoria 3
Mental Rotation of Images
Research conducted by Voyer, Rodgers and McCormick (2004) suggest that gender
plays an important role in predicting how fast an individual will react when presented an
image to rotate, or simply having the participant close his eyes and walk in order to lose
his/her self awareness of space, location and direction. They found that males take less
into consideration timing conditions, and are more relaxed and feel less pressured to
respond. These experimenters conducted their study using the 3-D MRT developed by
Vandenberg and Kuse (1978) which is used across most mental rotation studies. Males
show advantage across all menta...