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Self Assessment

3 Pages 688 Words

Want To vs. Should : (Who or what influences your career decisions?)As a starting point, let's try a simple thought exercise. Think about three things in your life that may be career-related (such as choice of your major). Make a statement about each career-related choice: "I WANT TO..." Work, Finish school, have fun"I SHOULD..." Get a good job, plan for retirement, have fun Did you come up with different statements for "I WANT" and "I SHOULD"? YesWere any of your statements the same for both items?yes! Have fun! For students, career-decision making includes understanding this aspect of how you make choices. It is natural for your decisions to be influenced by people who are important in your life, but you can make better decisions if you understand these influences and know yourself.
Realistic, Investigative, Enterprising = R I E

Four Things Everyone Wants from Work:
ECONOMIC - What kind of compensation do you need and want?
Compensation that reflects my responsibility and expertise
SOCIAL - What kind of people do you want as colleagues, supervisors, clients?
Equal in education and experience, People with good communication skill and as clients knowledgeable yet respectful of my work experience
EMOTIONAL - What intrinsic rewards do you want from work (e.g. challenge, new learning)? Gain unlimited training and experience
SPIRITUAL - How do you want to contribute to society?
By making a good product for society at a affordable price so that all can enjoy

_++___ADVANCEMENT (Moving forward in your career through promotions)
____CHALLENGE (stimulates full use of your potential)
____CHANGE & VARIETY (varied, frequently changing work responsibilities and/or work settings)
____COMPETITION (Pit your abilities against others where there is clear win/lose outcomes)
_++___COOPERATION (opportunity to work as a team toward common goals)
_++___CREATIVITY (being imaginative, innovative)

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