The Effects Of Terrorist Attacks And Natural Disasters On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
12 Pages 3035 Words
the Oklahoma City and September 11th terrorist attacks had a great deal of media coverage. It is possible that there may be psychological and physical effects from events that are deemed extremely traumatic. After the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans across the country including children had show substantial symptoms of stress (Speckhard, 2003).
According to Asukai (2003), posttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder elicited by an exposure to a traumatic event and is characterized by three categories of symptoms: persistent re-experience, avoidance, and hyper arousal.
Persistent re-experience is described as having painful reoccurring dreams and memories, as well as re living the experience. Avoidance occurs specifically regarding any subject that is related to the event (Heyne et al., 2003). Individuals will avoid anything related to the traumatic event at all costs. The idea of arousal or hyper arousal is explained as excitement about the traumatic event that eventually causes sleep d...