2 Pages 582 Words
Ignorance of sex education has left our society suffering from a variety of venereal diseases, abortions, neglected children, and most chilling death. This issue is a serious problem, not only for our children today, but also for our children of future generations. Sources of education are available almost anywhere, but they are not useful if the go unnoticed. Sex education should begin at home with the parents. Many parents are uncomfotable speaking about subjects like sex with there children, and many times it’s avoided. This is why there needs to be a outside source to help fill this void. Children need to know the bascics such as how to prevent diseases, pregnancy, and the responsibility that comes with sex. Therefore sex education should be a part of the curriculum for children beginign junior high school.
Many children in junior high may have heard about sexually tranmitted diseases, but have know real knowledge and do not realize how life threating it could be. Many youths believe that it can never happen to them. Our children should beware of diseases like for example, syphillis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, and most chilling aids. Informing our children may not always stop them from engaging in sex activites, but it will definity help decrease the chacne of being harmed sexually.
Diseases are not all our youths have to worry about. Pregnancy is another major concern.
Many teenage woman are getting pregnant everyday and at such young ages. These young woman should very much be informed about brth control. We are not nessecarily giving them permission to go out and have sex, but acctually giving then the option to be safe. If we do not inform them, then we are increasing the risk of our youths getting prgnant. It is the resposnbility of the parents to school our young teens on the responbility of pregnancy and parenting. It is very risky having a baby a a oyung age. Man...