Case Study: Group Relations
4 Pages 925 Words
Case Study
1) Discuss the cohesion/ lack thereof of the crew.
2) Leadership of Jim. Discuss. Problems, good points.
3) What kind of power/ influence is used on crew? Do you notice conformity?
4) Communication structures/ network – both formal and informal.
5) Conflict – intragroup and intergroup.
1) In the text, Joining Together, cohesion is defines as all the forces (both positive and negative) that cause individuals to maintain their membership in specific groups. This includes attraction to group’s members and a match between needs and goals.
Highly cohesive groups have many positive aspects that influence the group to set goals well, greater chance of achieving these goals, creates greater commitment to the group and commitment to the goal. When the group first joined there looked like there would be cohesion, everyone is getting along and almost everyone is familiar with each other. Jim, as crew commander, seems to be a good leader, he tries to include everyone and create a sense of unity. Jim does this by saying “On my plane we’re all one crew. None of this pilots partying only with pilots…” Jim also tries to make jokes and create a comfortable working environment. “ You could see that people were glad to be on board”. Major Dave also felt that group was doing well and hoped it would continue. Unfortunately the group did not continue to do so well. The problems began rather quickly and the cohesion of the group was never really established. Jim began interfering in others responsibilities; he requested that the crewmembers report certain data to him and that he “okay it before” they load it, which was not his job but was Sam’s job.
There was also a problem during heir trip where Jim confronted Sam, in front of the whole crew, it caused many problems. Including a lack of trust, individual accountability and positive interdependence. After this incident the cohesion of t...