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mainly complies with the Emile Durkheim’s theory that the probability of one’s suicide, depends on how attached one is to family, religion and the community. If the individual is more attached, the risk for suicide is low. If the individual is less attached, the risk for suicide is high. People who have poor relationship with others are at greater risk of killing themselves (Comer 1999). Other theorists of the sociocultural model do not comply with Durkheim’s theory yet do believe that social structure and cultural stress play a major role in suicide. The biological view says that there is often a low level of the neurotransmitter serotonin suicidal people (Comer 1999). Biologists have found that suicide and depression go hand in hand. Both display low levels of serotonin.
Suicide attempts among sexual-minority youths
The author of this article is addressing the issue of the correlation between suicide attempts and sexual minority. The author stated that two questions were brought to mind: who should classified as a sexual minority, and what constitutes a suicide attempt? A sexual minority was considered those who identified themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual or who engage in same-sex behavior. A study was done on sexual minorities.
The study was done on eighty-three women. Initially, there were eighty-nine women but six withdrew from the study. The girls were recruited from Cornell University and State University of New York. The study included a thirty-minute phone interview based on a standard script assessing changes in sexual identity, behavior and attractions. Then, a written format was given based on questions from the disease control youth risk behavior survey. They were asked if they had considered suicide and if she answered no, then she was asked what factor had helped her to never consider it (interview ended). If she answered yes, she answered if she had ever attempted suicide. The girls were also asked how man...

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