4 Pages 1001 Words
In America, more people suffer from phobias than do Cancer. The purpose of this paper is to define phobias as well as explain their impact on their victims. It will also examine the current research on the several types of phobias. Then they will explain the cause of these phobias. After this we describe how you can tell if a person is infected by these serious problems. The symptoms are sometimes easy to see but, some time can’t be seen. Next, we will discuss the different treatments that are available in these times. Finally, we will describe the research that is being done to help cure these diseases’.
Webster defines a phobia as “a strong irrational fears, that can often control peoples lives. Phobias are becoming more common in adults. Phobias have been around for a long time. In the Middle Ages the had very strange methods of attempting to cure a person problem. One case is were if you feared water, they would submerge you in a rank of water and not let you stop going under until you have conquered the fear. They did not know about these serious problems. When there is a problem they need help.
Fisher 2
There are so many phobias. There is a phobia for everything. They are divided into three major categories. One is mental phobias. These are they phobias that are in your head. One example is being stage fright. This is your brain mentally telling you that you are so scared that you can’t move. The Next one is social phobias. These are the phobias that are caused by being in crowds are being afraid to do something because you are afraid what people think. The last one is agoraphobia. Over 23 million Americans suffer from phobias each year. One third of these people go and get treatment. Social phobias are becoming more and more common (Rothenburg). One very specific phobia is performance anxiety or commonly called “stage fright” (Social I & II). This is a very comm...