Parents Have The Greatest Influence on Their Children
2 Pages 594 Words
Some children grow up among thorns; rough hard families. They are choked by the worries of the world. They have parents who are fearful or always think the worst of them. However, most parents don’t realize they are doing this. Some parents tell children, or even young adults, what’s wrong and seldom what’s right. Some parents leave their children to fight their own battles, without giving them a hand. They believe that it will make their child stronger in the long run. These parents don’t realize that instead of making their child stronger, they are actually setting him or her up to fail in adulthood.
A series of well-known tests were done with monkeys to show the influence parents have on their children. The test indicates crucial outcomes when the monkeys’ mothers’ didn’t express love. When artificial parents raised a monkey during the first years of its life, the monkey often showed bizarre behaviors as an adult. The monkey would either cower in fear or express abnormal aggressive behavior. When a female monkey was deprived of love from its mother, it later became a poor mother itself, tending to neglect or abuse its infants. This experiment suggests that a close relationship with a warm responsive adult is essential for any child’s emotional development, even an infant monkey’s (Hilgrad 78).
An observation was also done on how the interaction between parents and their children affect the child’s social well-being. The observation showed that the parents of mature and competent children are warm and loving and communicate well. While these parents respect their child’s opinion, they are generally firm and clear about the behavior they consider appropriate. The observation indicated that parents of the children who are moderately self-controlled and self-reliant but somewhat withdrawn and distrustful tend to be controlling and not very warm and affectionate. These parents also weren’t that concerned about...