Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
7 Pages 1820 Words
es or disorders are theories as to why OCD occurs also (Rachman).
There is also a theory that it comes from post-traumatic stress disorder. This is an anxiety disorder just like OCD. It is also a psychological disorder. The thoughts and images that occur with this disorder coincide with OCD. A number of patients have compulsive rituals. A small number of patients have both disorders though (Rachman).
Another theory is that OCD can occur from brain damage. Symptoms similar to OCD can occur from brain damage. Patients may act in repetitive acts or have repetitive ideas. Studies made show that this is not a very good theory. OCD patients have not shown clear results in the study. It has not been shown that OCD patients have brain damage, it is just a theory (Rachman).
Symptoms and Diagnosis
There are many symptoms and diagnosis's for OCD. Some obsessive symptoms include thoughts, words, or mental images that invade conscious awareness. Obsessions may consist of: violent thoughts, contamination thoughts, and constant thoughts about a tragic event. Symptoms of compulsions have to do with repetitive impulses to do a certain behavior. Compulsions may consist...