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Hypnosis is a state of inner concentration and focused attention. It is defined as an altered state of awareness, consciousness and perception. In other words, hypnosis is a relaxed condition where an individuals’ mind is focused and receptive to suggestion. The word hypnosis comes from the Greek meaning of sleep, hypnos, it is also called suggestive therapy, which is the one of the oldest therapeutic methods.
The human mind has many layers. The first layer is our conscious mind which helps with the daily decision-making process. It is intelligent, realistic and logical, especially in situations where rational thinking is applied. However, it can only deal with a certain number of things at one time because it can be easily overloaded. The subconscious is a layer that works on ‘auto pilot’, reacting to the principle of avoiding pain, obtaining pleasure and managing survival, regardless of external circumstances. It is concerned with emotion, imagination and memories, as well as our nervous system that controls internal organs automatically.
There are many different scales used to determine the depth of hypnosis. These stages are not always clear and not everyone achieves all of the signs. There are a number of factors that can determine the depth that an individual can reach. First, the methods used by the hypnotist to induce are important. In addition, the natural ability of the client, along with their emotional state and motivation, are key factors. Finally, there should be complete trust between the individual and the hypnotist. Studies show that as few as one in twenty people are capable of entering a deep state easily, but most can achieve the lighter states, where most therapy can be accomplished.
There are several levels or phrases in a hypnotic state. First is the light phase, very little happens in this stage, relaxation is the main objective. The individual often believes they are not being hypnotized or that the...

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