14 Pages 3425 Words
ressive episodes.
What is bipolar depression (manic-depressive illness)?
Another type of depressive disorder is manic-depressive illness, also called bipolar depression. Not nearly as prevalent as other forms of depressive disorders, manic depressive illness involves cycles of depression and elation or mania. Sometimes the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual. When in the depressed cycle, you can have any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. When in the manic cycle, any or all symptoms listed under mania may be experienced. Mania often affects thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that cause serious problems and embarrassment. For example, unwise business or financial decisions may be made when in a manic phase
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
SAD is a pattern of depressive illness in which symptoms recur every winter. This form of depressive illness often is accompanied by such symptoms as marked decrease in energy, increased need for sleep, and carbohydrate craving. Phototherapy - morning exposure to bright, full spectrum light - can often be dramatically helpful.
What is Post Partum Depression?
Mild moodiness and "blues" are very common after having a baby, but when symptoms are more than mild or last more than a few days, help should be sought. Post part depression can be extremely serious for both mother and baby.
How is bereavement different from depression?
A full depressive syndrome frequently is a normal reaction to the death of a loved one (bereavement), with feelings of depression and such associated symptoms as poor appetite, weight loss, and insomnia. However, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness prolonged and marked functional impairment, and marked psychomotor retardation is uncommon and suggests that the bereavement be complicated by the development of a Major Depression. The duration of "normal" bereavement varies considerably among d...